Friday, April 29, 2011

Hives After Waxing Chest

A Mary Mary

in nature, fiercely blue as the sky.
knew a kind of gentle spring breeze.
knew a heavenly afternoon, a freshly cut lawn and children's laughter.
bright brushstrokes fell slowly to the Angelus.
Celeste was also the prayer that I came from my lips and beyond them.
the morning, almost indigo hyacinth blue mist of the night dancing to the sound of the wind in its green leaves on our way to church.
Alleluia, alleluia, sung at the conclusion .
My peace also was blue and it all came to me to share.
were also blue, such as jasmine, all my intentions to Mary.

+ C.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What Does The Purple Shag Band Mean ?

From death to life

Council felt discomfort in the first throat in August last year. He went to see the doctor. After reviewing his patient twice, said that there was no cause for alarm. But on November 22 had to enter the hospital from respiratory failure. The next day the doctors gave him two pieces of news: he had cancer and was expecting a child. While her husband

Clint experienced "every emotion you can imagine ... except joy, "Jessica's reaction was" a mixture of fear and surprise ", thinking that the threat also fell on the baby she was expecting.

On 25 November, the hospital offered the couple a choice of abortion, but "was never an option. That's like the black and white. " But what about the treatments for cancer? Jessica turned to Clint and flatly refused to accept chemotherapy.

The days passed and the third quarter, the doctors returned to the charge: the child is almost developed, it could make chemotherapy ... Jessica did not hesitate: la vida del niño era más importante.

«Ella sabía que de todas maneras iba a morir -dice Clint-. No me lo confió sino hasta casi el día de su muerte... pero creo que ella lo sabía y que por eso debía darle al bebé todas las posibilidades que ella pudiese». Y aunque probaron otro tipo de métodos menos ofensivos, el cáncer no cejó en su avance.

La noche del 5 de febrero, Jessica se fue a dormir con un fuerte dolor de cabeza y nauseas... y ya no se levantó. Al día siguiente, el hospital dio su veredicto: muerte cerebral.

Y entonces sucedió un pequeño milagro. Los doctores pensaban que Jessica estaba embarazada de 25 semanas, pero tras su muerte found that pregnancy was only twenty-three and a half weeks, the deadline to get the baby and put it in an incubator. Coincidence?

"I can only thank God for that, since Jessica died just as the baby could live outside the womb," says an excited Clint in the interview.

Speaking of Clint, how did it all this time? "Sometimes it's easier to be generous when it happens to you things, but it is very difficult to be when you lose one you love most [...] And be very honest, I must say that during the first month after the death of my wife could not open my Bible and pray. " No it was easy.

has now passed since that happened ... but more still needs to mourn his wife. And yet, you begin to see light on the road.

"My friends, God be praised. No doubt of God, not with him I enojéis for me. I have been privileged to have had a wife so full of love the Father. Rejoice with me. God has blessed Jessica to take her to a place of perfect peace and without pain. I should be grateful for my time with it more to show ingratitude for the things we never did together. "

not know about you, but for me on Easter Sunday this year I presented a different color. Jessica Council I have shown how, in his death, heroic, generous, maternal-life has sprung up in all its glory. No, she is not dead. Lives in the warm eyes of newborn son lives in her husband's unwavering hope and, above all, live, together with the Risen Lord, in eternity.

Author: Juan Antonio Ruiz J.

+ &.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

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Hallelujah, the Lord is risen! Cappuccino

"Easter Lady, Lady of the Cross and Hope.
Lady Friday and Sunday.
Lady of the night and morning.
Lady of all items as they're the Lady of "transit" or Easter.
Today we say "thank you very much."
Many thank you Lord for your Fiat, for your complete availability of "slave."
you for your poverty and silence.
For your enjoyment of the seven swords.
For the pain of all your items, which were giving peace to many souls.
Because I stayed with us despite the time and distance.
Cardinal Pironio

May this Easter of the Lord esurrección R where the sky has joined with the earth waiting that Christ will lead us to Him, illuminate our path throughout the year. Happy Easter everyone.
+ C


Saturday, April 16, 2011

What Is Florinef For My Dog

Silos have closed the blog for Easter

Dedicated to the blogger world.

Happy Easter to everyone.

+ C.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Summary Of Wish You Well Chapter By Chapter

Termination Checklist

A dramatic rumbles
drip, sometimes, from the bustling heart of my network. This is a despotic hum moments that rushes by anticipating the whirlwind which will emerge at the smallest opportunity.

The rapture is, therefore, objectivity must continue its course, once interrupted.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fordyce Spot Outbreak?

The Te Deum

In the middle of Lent, and on Easter, the Easter season when we celebrate the sacrifice Jesus made for all of us, human beings always and everywhere. Is a special time for Catholics, well suited for prayer, even if it means any time of year is good.

said Santa Teresa de Jesus (1515-1582) in his famous work Dwellings that our soul is "like a castle made of diamond and crystal clear, where there are many rooms, as well as in heaven there are many mansions" and later, on prayer, said "the door to enter this castle is prayer and consideration, I say no more mental than vocal, that as prayer, must be a consideration" (Residence I, Chapter 1).

Try to enter this castle of our souls doing a prayer, whether mental or vocal, and with consideration. To this and to celebrate Easter I propose a traditional prayer. This is the Te Deum (literally, "To you, God"), traditional hymn of the Catholic Church, attributed to St. Ambrose (340-397) bishop of Milan. It is a hymn often used in certain celebrations, such as the canonization, or in connection with the election of a new pope in the Church, but also sings on the Liturgy of the Hours.

As always, let the anthem in Latin and its translation into Castilian, so you can read the original English version. And maybe, if you like and you have a little bit, you can say it.

DEUM TE (Latin text)

Te Deum laudamus:
te Dominum confitemur.
Te aeternum patrem,
omnis terra veneratur.

Tibi omnes angeli,
tibi caeli et universae potestates:
tibi cherubim et seraphim,
incessabili voce proclamant:

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus
Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
Pleni sunt caeli et terra
majestatis gloriae tuae.

Te gloriosus Apostolorum chorus,
te prophetarum laudabilis numerus,
te martyrum candidatus laudat exercitus.

Te per orbem terrarum
sancta confitetur Ecclesia,
Patrem immensae maiestatis;
venerandum tuum verum et unicum Filium;
Sanctum quoque Paraclitum Spiritum.

Tu rex gloriae, Christe.
Tu Patris sempiternus es Filius.
Tu, ad liberandum suscepturus hominem,
non horruisti Virginis uterum.

Tu, devicto mortis aculeo,
aperuisti credentibus regna caelorum.
Tu ad dexteram Dei sedes,
in gloria Patris.

Iudex crederis esse venturus.

Te ergo quaesumus, tuis famulis subveni,
quos pretioso sanguine redemisti.
Aeterna fac
cum sanctis tuis in gloria numerari.

Salvum fac populum tuum, Domine,
et benedic hereditati tuae.
Et rege eos,
et extolle illos usque in aeternum.

Per singulos dies benedicimus te;
et laudamus nomen tuum in saeculum,
et in saeculum saeculi.

Dignare, Domine, die isto
sine peccato nos custodire.
Miserere nostri, Domine,
miserere nostri.

Fiat misericordia tua, Domine, super nos,
quem ad modum speravimus in te.
In te, Domine, speravi:
non confundar in aeternum.


A ti, oh Dios, te alabamos,
a ti, Señor, te reconocemos.
A ti, eterno Padre,
te venera toda la creación.

Angels all the heavens and all powers
honor you.

The cherubim and seraphim sing in endless praise:

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of hosts
heaven and earth are full of the majesty of thy glory.

praise you the glorious company of the apostles,
the noble fellowship of the prophets,
the white army of martyrs.

to you the holy Church,
spread throughout the land, going wild:
Father of immense majesty,
one and only Son, worthy of worship, Holy Spirit

You are the King of the glory of Christ.
You are the Son of the Father.
You, to free the man,
accepted the human condition without neglecting the womb of the Virgin. You

, broken the chains of death,
opened to believers the kingdom of heaven. You
seated at the right hand of God
in the glory of the Father.

believe that one day you will come and judge.

We pray, therefore, to come to the aid of your servants, whom
redeemed by your precious blood. Make
in eternal glory
we partner with your saints.

Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance
. I know his pastor
and forever. Day after day

bless you and praise your name forever, for ever and ever

Deign, Lord, on this day
keep us from sin.
Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us

May your mercy, Lord, be upon us, as we hope
In you, Lord, I trusted, I shall not disappointed

you to spend some happy days of Easter in the company of your family and friends, may rest and if you left an empty, pray because there are many needs in the world. God bless to all and Blessed Mother protect you forever. See you soon, friends.

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Cappuccino's Kitchen El Santo Rosario

Andalusian Gazpacho Seville for a Friday of Lent.

When Pope John Paul II came to Seville in 1982 was given to try this dish and wanted to take the recipe.
since been made in the Vatican.
2 kilos of tomatoes either red, juicy and not of pear.
1 green pepper.
1 cucumber Midianites.
2 large cloves garlic or 3 medium.
1 glass of water, sunflower oil (not olive).
1 glass of water or two depending on the juice from the tomatoes.
Salt to taste.
Vinegar, to taste.


Chop and crushed all very well, with Thermomix or blender until a fine cream.
Passed by the Chinese (see photo).
company is, if you will, with ham, egg, small squares of bread, grapes, peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers, all very finely or taken only as in the photo.

Serve very, very cold.

Bon appetit!

+ C.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Drysol And My Shirts?


was walking one day the apostle St. Thomas in the gardens of heaven when he saw a soul that shone as much as other ... and then saw another ... and more ... Of immediately went to yell at San Pedro ...
Hey, Peter, why are some souls out there then you see that do not have many qualities and virtues as the others? Peter answered him somewhat nervous, as Thomas was able to arm him to a scandal that could cost him the job. Tell me where to, Tom? Everywhere, he said complainant. Let's see, "said Peter, and out of the goal went to the gardens.

Indeed, everywhere souls were not so glowing. But were happy to be there.

Look, these have not gone through the door. I would not have let go ... Peter pointed out. Then something strange is happening here, and we better investigate, "said a determined Thomas, who needed to see the origin of the situation. They decided to go through the barriers of Paradise, and to his surprise found a large hole in one of the fences, which was closer to Earth.

Caramba! It is here where are brewing in triumph, "said Thomas. Whoever did this, it will pay dearly with our God, that although good, is very fair ... Pedro ruled. They approached both the hole, and surprise found that there was a huge bunch of beads that came to Earth, and many souls out there coming up.

Both apostles turned with a look of surprise and dismay ... After a silence, Peter said: Oh, Mary has not changed anything. Since I met her I knew it was in Cana of those people that continue to help ... (Jn 2, 1-11) Thomas resigned said: If you or your child is slipping. Remember he did not want to do the miracle of the wedding at Cana, and with one look She agreed? Peter concluded by saying: Look, Tom, you and I have not seen anything ....

you, too?, Echoed a voice that startled ... With frightened face turned to the Lord and felt a pleasant smile. He told them: "Do not worry ... There are things Mom."



Thursday, April 7, 2011

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Jesus, help me spread your fragrance wherever I go, floods my soul with your Spirit and your life, penetrates my whole being and takes over so that my life not in front but a radiance of yours.
Stay in my heart with a union so intimate that souls who have contact with mine, I can feel your presence and, at me, forget that I exist and do not think it in you.
Stay with me. So I can become a light to others.
That light, O Jesus, come from you, not one of its rays will be mine: I will serve only as a tool for you enlighten the soul through me. Let
praise in the form that is more pleasant, wearing my lamp lit to dispel the shadows on the road of other souls. Let
speak your name with words or without them ... with my example, the power of your attraction, with the clearly influence the supernatural love that my heart feels for you. "

prayer written by Blessed John Henry Newman



Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Paint A Kitchen Burnt Orange

Radiate Christ ... Reaching the moon

science journalist and professional photographer, Laurent Laveder Games created the Moon series, consisting of several images that show people interacting with the Moon. Capturing the scenes by a specific angle, the artist makes it seem that the satellite is actually within reach of the hands of us, posing for the cameras of the artist, play, or pose with the cup of coffee. Specialized
pictures of the sky, is part of the collective Laveder The World At Night, which brings together 30 of the best photographers in the world star.

Is not it beautiful?



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Examples Of Home Made Water Features

is not mounting a river comparable to the three of a warm spring evening, with rowing for the current as sunrise ... not even be the rose water.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Can I Get Adderall From A Walk In Clinic

tiny turning to enter. The figure of the priest

This is the doll house I imagined developed one by one all the belongings in it and make time ago.

were unforgettable moments (more than three months), I spent little character by becoming the house walking up and down to get into equipping the entire house.

One day toward the bed where he would rest and sleep my sweet dreams. Another, the dresser where you could place lingerie, lace bedspread, armchair, cushions, lamps to be installed to give birth to all rooms, the pictures, which were many, and to completely eliminate that room and begin another.

Every time I ended a cabinet, a table, a curtain, rug, chair, table, china cabinet, a plate with a cup or other utensil, I became tiny, tiny , and to enter into that place happy to put it.

and jumped for joy there in my fantasy looking ecstatic, carried by my dreams and living my own story building where all the characters were tiny.

was great to get tiny. Greatly enjoyed dreaming to be too small to read on that sofa or take a chocolate sitting in the kitchen listening to the canary hung in the window.

When I left that small large space and back to reality, I was saddened because the illusion had lived. That place where everything was warm and wonderful one for me.

remember how I began to give life to that dream of wood. Someone gave me a miniature grand piano and thought I'd put it in a place that did not spoil.
This was the bedroom with a bed of "iron" and lace bedspread and cushions.
Hanging in the window of the kitchen is Pavaroti, the canary.

Excluding significant items, the rest of the house I realized that I had a well equipped bathroom.

The piano was beautiful, yet it sounded chromatic note to note.

And dreamed you a house adapted to their size to place the preferred place that delicate dream. We did a study. A study which also had a desk, two libraries and a furniture side table with his chair, apart from a Van Gogh hanging on the wall was the luxury of the house, because from jumping out the window sunbathing on the large terrace.

It was fully furnished and profiled for my little guy could live comfortably.

... Tiny turning to enter.

+ C.

Casita, furniture and photographs: Capuchino de Silos
