Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cellular Respiration -oxygen Use By Goldfish

conversed a few days ago a good friend of mine, how could it be otherwise left the blog topic. He said he liked mine, and I told her how much I admire what he writes, but I put a small fault and is always talking about here Chesterton, or at most, of the English writers of his time.

course, being a blog tribute to Chesterton, it is inevitable that talk of him in almost every post, but a point was my friend and was not the first thing I criticized this topic. So was it who once wrote two entries devoted to the works of Pedro Antonio de Alarcón .

Given that this good friend of mine here would like to deal with other authors, I decided to return to our letters, of which we both cherished the English because we have one of the richest literatures and arts of the West.

This time, I decided it might be a good argument for a post to try English authors of fantasy literature. Yes, you heard: not only Poe there, Machen and Lovecraft , there are excellent examples of the world of fantasy, horror and the supernatural in our literature.

Years ago I read with tremendous relish authentic volume containing some of the best fantasy stories written by Hispanic authors. is English Literature Anthology fantastic, published by Valdemar in 1996. This large volume contains more than 100 accounts of English authors (and one Hispanic) who are true gems of our literature, apparently given to the description of the real world to the supernatural worlds.

The anthology, compiled by Martin Alejo Martínez is a very complete sample of what has occurred in our language in the realm of the fantastic. It also represents a historical journey through our literature, it ranges from a piece of prose Alfonso X the Wise, to Gonzalo Suárez, the famous film director. In its pages we find true classics of the fantastic in our literature, like the story "What Happened to dean Don Santiago Illán, the Grand Master of Toledo "by Don Juan Manuel , who was one of the favorite stories of Jorge Luis Borges .

also contains fragments of Amadis of Gaul of Tirant Lo Blanch and Quixote of Cervantes . A story of Lope de Vega , Feijoo fragments, Gallows , Espronceda , Bécquer , Alarcón or Pardo Bazán, big fan of the genre of the ghost. Also appear, how could it be otherwise stories Leopoldo Alas "Clarín" and Rubén Darío.

Among the authors of the twentieth century are Valle-Inclán, Unamuno , Baroja, Azorín , Alberto Insua , Wenceslao Fernández Flórez , Pedro Salinas, Rosa Chacel , Galician Rafael Dieste , Ánxel Fole , Álvaro Cunqueiro Gonzalo Torrente Ballester and , or closer to our days, Alonso Zamora Vicente , Antonio Mingote or Gonzalo Suárez. It is clear that not all are, but they all are.

All stories and prose pieces in the book are worth reading, although if you ask me to choose between that I find best, then I will say that in my humble opinion those Don Juan Manuel, Becquer, Alarcón, Darius and Cunqueiro are my favorites, but this means that others do not like them. As I say, all are excellent to read in one of these autumn afternoons when the weather does not let us go for a walk and all samples are joyful art of telling a great story.

I hope you have fun this brief. I am convinced that if you read the same book, I like it a lot. That you spend a nice week and God bless. See you soon, folks.


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