Sunday, August 16, 2009

Philadelphia Eagles Fleece Tie Blanket

The Nature of Stuttering I

The Nature of Stuttering

Here I leave a translation of a text that I found long ago. It is only the translation of an extract. I've chosen to translate it deals with the nature of stuttering, and I found interesting because the compression of this, we will make it more bearable our stuttering.

4.3.1 Development of speech in the Brain

The brain is divided into 2 hemispheres: The left hemisphere and right hemisphere, and is well known by most people the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body and the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body. The language originally developed in both hemispheres but in most cases (about 95% of cases), change - by the age of 5 years - the left hemisphere alone, the abandoned air speech in the right hemisphere are reused for other functions, for example, gesticulations. Also, around this age, the child begins to develop self-awareness.

The two hemispheres are connected by a bundle of fibers called the Corpus Callosum. The emotional stimulus passes between the two hemispheres of the other way - the anterior commissure.
In an experiment where a person is required to repeat the speech of another person and simultaneously tapping with the finger of his right hand or left, the person will find it more difficult to tap with your finger right to left, this is why right thumb racing speech-language pathology for the "real property" in the left hemisphere of the brain (remember that the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body).

The left hemisphere controls speech-language pathology in 97% of right-handers, but right hemisphere controls language in only 19% of lefties. Others have language in the left hemisphere (68%) or both. Some evidence suggests that lefties are more susceptible to problems of language such as stuttering and dyslexia. Even the right-handed relatives seem to understand the language so different from a "pure" right-handed. The brain is predisposed to not only involves the hands, but the rest of the body. A left-handed person tends to use his left eye when looking through a microscope, and used his left leg when he puts the cat out of the room.

The language usually begins in the second year of the child's life with the activation of the two largest areas of speech are separate but neighboring areas in the brain. These areas are:

- Wernicke's Area, which is responsible for compression
language - Broca's area, which is responsible for the articulation of speech.

The "arcuate fasciculus" is a cluster of nerve fibers connecting the Broca's area to Wernicke's area. See the following diagram.

The analysis of the meaning of the word takes place in Wernicke's area. Damage to this part may cause deafness in word "- the voices are heard, but not the words. People with this disorder called Wernicke's aphasia "- caused by damage to Wernicke's area - speak fluently and grammatically, but his speech is meaningless. They can not understand the spoken word can not even understand his own words, so they can not monitor their speech. Perhaps this is the monitoring of speech that refer Vasic and Wijnen. In brain imaging studies, Anne Foundas, Tulane University in New Orleans, found that Wernicke's area is significantly larger in stutterers.
Broca's area is adjacent to the motor cortex (which, among other things, controls the larynx, jaw, tongue and lips). It seems that the Broca's area instructs the motor cortex to articulate speech. People with Broca's aphasia have damage this area, can understand what they are told, and they know what they want to say, just can not say. In 1861 the French physician Paul Broca (hence the name of Broca's area) dissect the brain of a patient who had been named "Tan" why this was the only syllable he uttered, even when I understood everything that was said. It was discovered that Tan had a lesion in the left hemisphere. So, as is common with aphasia, had paralysis on the right side of his body, this is consistent with the fact that the left hemisphere controls the right side.

A third type of aphasia occurs when the air connection between Broca and Wernicke air - the arcuate fasciculus - is damaged. In this case, a person may not be able to repeat what is said. This is because the incoming words - which are registered in the Wernicke's area - can not be passed to Broca's area for articulation.
The air usually mature before the air drill, so there is a time when babies understand more than they can say, this condition - which can be very frustrating for the child - usually occurs around age two, and may go some way to explain the tantrums that characterized the so-called "terrible twos."

Of course, language and speech are not restricted to Broca's and Wernicke's area. Every word is pronounced involves associations and memories that are different in each word. Even the tattered dogma, "the talk is centered in the left hemisphere and nonverbal skills in the right hemisphere, is an oversimplification, for example, if a person has damaged some part of the right hemisphere, speech will sound flat without emotion. While it is correct to say that language and speech are primarily focused on air Broca and Wernicke in the air, language and speech are not a discrete function within the brain, it is incorrect to refer to a language center located. Speech and language is functionally distributed in many regions in the brain, each working in parallel to produce speech.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Best Place To Put A Canoe Stabilizer

London Self-Help Group Chat

Self-Help Group
London last week for the second time in the group of self-help London. My impression is that it is the only group that is to be relacciones stutterers, because I did not see as there was a certain friendship or an intention. Quite the opposite of what had (And I suppose there because you have not attend) in the self-help group in Madrid.
This may be to meet once a month and Madrid was once a week. This time

part something else. I offered to create a small group of Hunters . With one or two people enough. I think that at most can work with 4 people. But finally, after a week, no one has contacted me :-(. I think two guys, they would come very well, as you see them very stiff, scanning every word they say. As stated in the Van Riper's book, or can not remember where I read it, "van as if they were walking in a minefield." Basically what

do is go to the Wenlock Arms pub. Alli chatted about the most important thing has happened to us during the week. And then the group leader read some of the news, major events.

When you find some time, try to translate some texts that I have here in English that I think imprencisibles. I think one of them would be documents related to the nature of stuttering.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Colonoscopy Performed On A Twisted Colon

London Chat

Last weekend I was in a kind of talk to which I was invited. The event consisted of each stuttering up to a podium and had the tools, methods, etc, that have served to address and overcome the stuttering. A few are saw well that had been overcome, while others are felt as fear was ever-present as they talked on the bench.

The event was held on the first floor of an English pub, with a couple of beers that fell. In the talk

soon envision that there are two methods to deal with trends or stuttering.

- The program Mcguire:

From what I understood, and I could see, basically what they do is make a full and continuous control of breathing and slow speech. I think the course was worth more than 600 pounds.

- StartFish Project:

Here I think we do not seek to become fluent total, but to control stuttering. The course was about 250 pounds.

After I spoke with the organizer of the event, that really did any kind of control over their speech, but "he went out alone, and a great vocal range. I guess that would be trained to give public talks. Well, anyway, I just said that he had been in Lendmark Education. I've been looking a little page, and the truth, I have not found any current or Sensing Method with stuttering therapy. For if I guess that would make another type of course, as exposing the public.

When my turn came to present, I presented the following activities or techniques that served me well to deal with stuttering:

- Call by phone to strangers. At first call to restaurants, hotels, ..

- Read pantomime on public transport.

- Simulate talk on the phone on the street or public transport.

- Hunter Group.

Moreover, I liked the event and give you more aware that it is a universal problem. And so it goes an Englishman, you also have passed.

And I have to sing the "mia culpa", I know I'm not as it should be updating this blog, but learning English is absorbing me completely. I believe that translating some texts on stuttering can be very useful for everyone, whether that ire and translated and published by some here.

Here you have a photo where development in the Urban Bar in Whitechapel 176

Friday, May 15, 2009

Pokemon Dounjishi Ash Dawn

London I London II London I

Hooooooola que tal?

long time since I wrote any post, and I've been a little busy with my stay in London.

At first, I've ever heard that a stutterer to speak English, does not stutter. Well, that's not my case. My stammer gets really bad. Between that and stuttering, but then you strive to produce sound, word correctly, is a dual process that makes the stuttering even worse. But with the passage of time and speak in English class, my roommates, both in Castilian and English .... in short, and as we all know, if not avoided, I gain more confidence and fluency when speaking. The recipe is simple, not avoid, but of course, is difficult, I know. But if each day, we offer a small challenge in a month, will become a challenge. And in a year that would become ...?

Moreover, I will attend on June 1 self-help group in London . It will be interesting to see how stutterers from another country, another culture facing stuttering and see what they do to improve his stuttering. I guess that will not only British but also from other nacionalides as London, UK for every four that are not.

I also assume that as you improve my English, if I get it lol, I can read more information in English about stuttering and update this blog.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Build A Bear Roseville Galleria Mall

London I

many years ago, almost do not remember, I went on vacation to Sweden with a friend at the same time, schedule an interview with a software company. In the interview was express my lack of English. So why did it? was a desire to live in a foreign country, to work and live with people from another country, and Sweden was, at that time, the one I drew ( Manolo La Nuit done much damage to the choice of countries where to work and go on holiday lol ;-)). But back to the interview at that time, I can not pass through the head to go to Sweden and find a job. Why? I suppose for convenience, some fear, anxiety, ...

Currently, how I see the working and living in another country?. First, I must say that I'm the 30th of March to London to work and learn English. So as I see it? it as something exciting, and as a turning point in my life as a challenge, as a plan for the future.

Now, it will be interesting to see how stuttering is seen as Londoners react to stuttering. Even, the same can visit her foundation, British Stammering Association , who is in London. Y the same also participate ... so .. all Have Its Time.

In short, stuttering should not condition the lives, desires, hopes, ...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cubefield Cheat Facebook

Bibliotherapy I

Bibliotherapy I

last few days, I'm re-reading books on the shelf had about stuttering and its therapies. This is to bibliotherapy. Know, know what you want to solve.

But what other consequences? I think there are a number of consequences, apart from that of being informed:

1 .- reinforces the new behaviors: if for example you're trying to do every day a series of pseudo-stuttering a day, to read about pseudo-stuttering, reinforces the behavior to collect a series of pseudo-stuttering day. On the other hand, if a stutterer is trying to see how stuttering in real situations, to read about secondary behaviors will be more aware of their stuttering and may look better, which will be reinforced through the reading the better analyzed in real situations.

2 .- Increases confidence. As you read, and see that there are tools to further improve the stuttering, this causes an increase in the trust. 3 .- Increase


So, from time to time, although it is read a book about stuttering, therapy, etc, not bad, re-read it again and reinforce these new behaviors we do (not prevent, reduce stress, pseudo-stuttering ..,...,...,.....) to soften stuttering and makes us less of life.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Friendship For Sale Yahoo Answers

Opinion Interviews

long time to write anything, I know. Why? I am on other things, and finally, I think I go running out of ideas, proposals, comments on stuttering and how to improve. But I suspect that when he starts working (now I'm unemployed), I'll be back more active and more motivated to beat. And that motivation is very important.

An excerpt from another post motivational speaking:

"Much or little, they say that with perseverance and motivation all you get. And of course, makes sense, but today I saw clearer, because the book is learning, it is not so. Motivation perseverance help over time to execute the same task , but does not imply that learning increases. "

But today I wanted to talk about job interviews. As I have evolved in time to face job interviews. Yesterday I did a job interview and after I left the interview thinking about how I have evolved since the first interview. For many, many years ..;-) about 9 years.

In the first interview, I remember it was unable to finish any sentence. My hands were sweating, about tremendous efforts. But in the end, did not end any sentence. And in this last? How was it? evidently clear that stutters. But end of each sentence, from time to time, and at the right time, not to be rude, interrupted with a question. Then I stretched some explanations considered important. I was comfortable. And that which lasted about an hour and a half.

All this, to be comfortable, to be relaxed, it helps create a proactive, not reactive attitude.

What conclusion can be drawn objectively? how to deal with a situation you can change how difficult it is.

"This to us? that if we want change, we must address over and over that situation to change it. "And this leads us? Over yet ;-)? yes, this leads to NO to avoid difficult situations and turning them with dignity!. If at the end, many things are basic principles for the improvement of stuttering.