Thursday, December 2, 2010

Clear Racquet Grommet Tape

amazed to see how no longer appear new translations and editions of books by GK Chesterton in Spain. One of the latest just came out in September 2010 and entitled The kinds and other articles of faith ( The Thing ), published by Silver Spur, edited and foreword by Enrique Garcia Máiquez and translation itself and Aurora García-Máiquez Rice. Certainly Máiquez Garcia writes a blog, Thunder and lightning, really good and interesting. I recommend you visit it.

The Thing (literally translated as The thing ) is a book of essays that Chesterton wrote in 1929, just seven years after converting to Catholicism. The prologue is right to clarify that 'thing' refers precisely to the heart of the matter, central theme of the Catholic faith. But not only touch the religious issue from the peculiar perspective of Chesterton, but addresses a myriad of topics, from politics to the arts through economics or literature. And this is because of the vast culture of the author and because he liked to refer to many topics related in one way or another with the faith, reason religion.

This book contains articles ("Articles of Faith 'has been called the editors) that Chesterton was writing at various times of his life. Some deal explicitly with their conversion, others refer to Catholicism and encourages all kind spirit, humor and paradox of its author.

There are two articles that are titled exactly "Why am Catholic? "explaining the reasons for his conversion. Right at the beginning of the first says Chesterton "Explain why I am Catholic is difficult: there are ten thousand reasons to add a single reason: that Catholicism is true." He concludes this essay with these wise words: "But the Church is not a movement but a meeting place. The meeting place of all the truths of the world."

Another article is titled "My six conversions", and he, with his characteristic humor, said that in recent years has seen things that would have been converted to Catholicism, if not because it was. The test is divided into seven parts: "The religion of the fossil (The new religions, but born 300 years ago or 400 years), "When the world turned" (on the 1 st World War), "The surrender in sex" (on marriage and divorce), "The liturgical problem (on the liturgy, the Church of England and the Anglo-Catholic), "The collapse of materialism" (about Dr. Forsyth and modern materialism), "The case of Spain" (on the history of our country, Chesterton knew well: in particular, speaks of the general elections of 1933 and the revolution in Asturias) and, finally, "The Pit and the puddles (on democracy, faith and the problems of the modern world, in conclusion .)

The book comes complete with essays so evocative, entertaining and interesting as "Three enemies of the family", "Return Caesar", "Buddhism and Christianity", "Santo Tomás Moro" or "St. Thomas Aquinas, among others. For its originality, the incontrovertible force their values \u200b\u200band ideas, by the humor that oozes and his defense of the Catholic faith and truth, well worth approaching this book , are our beliefs that are, even if we atheists find items of interest in this book.

I hope I have called your attention on this new book by Chesterton which, incidentally, is accompanied by explanatory notes on characters very illustrative of the author's time. And I hope to have bitten your curiosity to the point of making you approach your reading, if you have time and inclination, as the dizzying world today just leaves us space to enjoy good books, and it certainly is.

May God bless and protect you always Virgin. So long, folks.


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