Saturday, June 7, 2008

Travelocity Itemized Receipt

Experiences Shaolin (III)

few days ago and I returned from my vacation. As I wrote in my previous post, I was in China, and of course, had to happen to see the Shaolin monks. And not by references in other post , but also because it is a tourist attraction.
What I saw?. Then I saw that they were people of flesh and blood and have the skills they have achieved through working, playing and training intensively. And here in his temple, they spend 24 hours a day to achieve those skills. A few will cost more and others less, some more and others need to train more, but the goal is very clear.
On the other hand, what about therapy?. The therapy requires dirty work, spend time to improve your speech, to improve your wellbeing, improve your security, and this often only we to sacrifice for a short period of time. I guess, extrapolating a lot, we should to build our house "our temple", and assigned a fixed timetable for self-therapy. Because without practice, without training, targets are elusive.
what I'm With this visit, the feeling is that with hard work, discipline, training and practice, I can improve it while others marvel at the skills acquired in this case, control stuttering.
Here I leave a picture I did for them, and this photo was thanks to someone who gave me a little push, and that gave me the cut (as you see, I need even more desensitization ... ;-) ) The approach and ask for a photo. From here, thank you, because without it, it would be possible today to hang this picture. Thanks Bel.


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