Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Register A Trailer In California

Photography (IV)

On Friday I went again to take photos street in Madrid. This time a little more seriously, that is, exposing more people to take pictures I want. But it was fine, because in this way is an iterative process, ie, gradually loses the fear of interacting with people, you expose yourself to say something about taking a picture, etc, ... what was said gradually be losing their fear. And how was?, well, then I think it was very interesting, if that, hold on, that are curves ...;-).

leave the car in the parking lot, and I go to the Puerta del Sol, here I see that optics is a ton of lights, cameras, etc.. Without much thought, I approached a worker and asked if this is why they were shooting a scene, I replied that no, it's an ad Beckman glasses. Then, I am there. A boy, seeing me with the camera, begins a conversation with me. Asked if Beckham comes or not, if resting up after that if I am professional, I tell him what I do. So a while until it leaves Beckham, just got a picture back, then the boy goes after him. I stay there because I wanted to get a closeup of a girl who was sitting model. A time you see a French girl and asks me if I got a picture of him. The only answer back. Then, continue the convesación on the announcement, that part of France was, if tomorrow will follow the announcement, etc. And entertain the model realizes my presence. I'm a little nervous in case I will say something, if you ask a worker, and tells me I can, but without flash. So I begin to see the first plane of the model. He notices the camera, but nothing happens.

To start in the first 30 minutes, not bad, right?. Photos, Beckham, boy, girl French, and two operators.

I go to the Plaza Mayor, where I see a painting. I wonder if I can make some pictures, and tells me he does not. So only the canvas and shot his hand. After a while, I get tired and go to Preciados Street. There I see a girl smoking sentanda. He assumed he was resting and working in a store. I get next to 4 meters. I take a picture with her smoking in profile, but not notice much. What do I do?. I take a picture to people, and I decide then. I approach her and ask if I can remove a photo because I thought it was interesting a picture with all the people walking and resting her smoking. He tells me yes, it does not matter. I make a few. The very nice girl. Here is an example of how photography can also be used to interact with other people who would otherwise be more difficult. With all this, with all that I have, you feel you can talk to everyone. Whereupon, I head back to the area of \u200b\u200bthe ad. I see the model. So I decide to ask her directly if I can remove a picture of first plano.En a chance that this single, and rises to leave, and then I approached her (she was a little nervous, but it is exciting to feel the adrenaline -)) and wonder what the picture tells me: "Why?", "To me," "No, no ..".

So these are the interactions I had at a photo shoot. I think as I said in another post, I think it is very useful to lose their fear of speaking with other people, improve social skills and lose a bit of shame that this many people looking at you suspiciously, as go with the camera hanging.

as usual I like to hang a picture, I think this time the girl will be resting, as it was this moment where I climbed over the fear, shame in talking with her than with the model. Apart from that I felt more interaction, the possibilities offered by photography and apart from that I fell very well, and he gave me his consentimiendo explicit.

In short, I think with this experience street photography can be a useful tool for desensitization, to gain social skills and decrease the shame "will think."


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