Thursday, August 28, 2008

Good Punk Themed Movies

Personal Improvement Personal Improvement

few weeks ago, I bought the magazine Psychologies for some fun in the idle time when you're away from home. And I found an article that caught my attention, "I can not keep my good intentions."

I have often seen as some stuttering start therapy and after a while they give up. But why did you started?. Evidently that had started in order to improve their speech, and hence their quality of life, but for one reason or another, withdrew.

Now, well, what the article tells us not to give up to continue or start therapy?

I will transcribe some of key phrases I've seen.

"... the most common cause is simply not the lack of will, lack of habit to strive for anything and finish it successfully."

"Choice means having a clear goal, the steps to follow to achieve this, the assumption of the costs involved in starting up, the realistic consideration of advantages and disadvantages and, of course, have the means necessary to start changing in the desired direction. But it also might lack confidence in yourself, that despite having made a detailed analysis, consider the last time we will not to be able, we will not have the force of will. "

" To meet the expectations have to go through a series of phases that must be met. There are times without reaching the first, we want to achieve what we want, but not being on the point that we should be, the expectation is unrealistic and we are unable to comply. Then we try. "

I think for a person who has trouble following a therapy or start, the start should then, with little work. Spending a little time to therapy. So in this way, a small intruduce change in their daily lives, which is to improve their speech. Then, over time, could be increasing their time. Why are increasing iria? if it is progressing in therapy, the stutterer will be strengthened and their motivation will increase, thus, be more willing to invest more time.

Next, the article points out some points of what to do to not give up:

- Why I want to change?. Detailing the most of our objectives. And it is that motivation is internal to the individual and consistent with their values.

- Be realistic. Presenting the objectives one by one and not all at once. Do not be carried away.

- Have clear objectives. Knowing what to do and how.

- Respect your weak moments. There will always be moments of weakness, of reluctance, of abandonment. This is normal, changes occur gradually. We should allow these moments of weakness but of course taking the objective.

I think you can change, achieve goals, says the article, but Curran. The changes do not come alone. Nobody will come to you and put you in your hand the goals you want. Get them each and is in his hand.


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