Friday, January 29, 2010

Quotes To Put On Save The Dates

's not afraid ...

It was a while since I wrote anything. Since August 2009. It has not rained since then, and over here in London ;-).

wanted to say something. In December 2009, I present the review of FCE (Flirts
Certificate of Inglés) and an oral test. Two days before the oral exam, I began to wonder if my stuttering might influence the test result. My idea was in principle no. Suppose I am looking to Englishmen their English. If you're a stutterer, I see him, and I shall distinguish between their English and their stuttering, but what if I can not?. Given this doubt, send an email to the center where they would examine me. On the same day they told me not to worry, you prepare.

On test day I was on a staff and I said that the oral examination will get a kid with me but that has been previously examined, which, I just went to examine me. The boy was filling, as the format of the oral test in pairs.

With all this I did the oral test and knowing that the examiners knew that was a stutterer and avoid contamination in my note.

's not afraid to say that stuttering can influence you get what you want. It is not easy to reach this point, it requires constant work, and often face your fears, but it's worth, the reward is greater.

How was the exam?


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